B E Y O N D _ C Y P H E R P U N K

Digital technology threatens important values and concepts like free will, bodily autonomy, private property, identity, and rule of law. Digital personhood is the necessary response. It is simultaneously a philosophy of what a person is, a politics of data, and a technology stack for networked personal computing devices. This is my formulation of — and elaboration on the cypherpunk vision. Cypherpunk: (Not cyBerpunk) CyPHerpunk is a movement that started in the 80s which purports that encryption is needed by everyday people to preserve their privacy....

May 18, 2023

Private Messaging

The fight for freedom today is about access control and personal data. Encrypted messaging is a simple improvement anyone can make. Here are my top choices for private messaging. I’ll go into why I chose these particular apps and protocols a little further down. Signal Signal was chosen as the best overall practical option. This is a great option for talking to friends and family, people who would already have your phone number....

October 20, 2022